FVM solver for compressible flow
This is my notes for simulation a 2D compressible fluid flow with Finite Volume Method. Original version is written by Philip Mocz[1], respect to him for his work and the spirit of open-source.
Generally speaking, FVM discretizes the partial differential equations with finite volume in tiny girds. The conservation equations are derived in each volume, so the variables are naturally conserved in each volume. The variables change in time and space, and be calculated with the flux in each face of a volume. While the flux in each face is reconstructed using the variables stored in each grid.
Reference: [1]URL
Primitive Form
- Density $\rho$
- Velocity $v_x$,$v_y$
- Pressure $p$
Conservative Form
- Mass Density $\rho$
- Momentum Density $\rho v_x$,$\rho v_y$
- Pressure $p$
Obviously, those two form can switch to each other, in this code function getConserved
and getPrimitive
proceed the switch.
State equations
$$p=(\gamma -1) \rho u \tag{1.1}$$
$$c=\sqrt{\gamma \frac{p}{\rho}} \tag{1.2}$$
$$e=u+\frac{v_x^2+v_y^2}{2} \tag{1.3}$$
In which $c$ is the local soundspeed, $\gamma$ is the ideal gas adiabatic index parameter (a monatomic ideal gas has $\gamma=5/3$), $u$ is the internal energy(related to temperature), $e$ is the total energy, $v_x^2$ and $v_y^2$ are the velocity of fluid.
Control equation
Partial Differential Equation:
$$\frac{\partial U}{\partial t}+ \frac{\partial F_1(U)}{\partial x}+\frac{\partial F_2(U)}{\partial y}=0 \tag{2.1}$$ In which: $$U=\begin{pmatrix} \rho\ \rho v_x\ \rho v_y\ \rho e \end{pmatrix}, F_1(U)=\begin{pmatrix} \rho v_x\ \rho v_x^2+p\ \rho v_x v_y\ (\rho e +p)v_x \end{pmatrix}, F_2(U)=\begin{pmatrix} \rho v_y\ \rho v_x v_y\ \rho v_y^2+p\ (\rho e +p)v_y \end{pmatrix} $$
In which the $U$ is the matrix of conservative variable, $F(U)$ is the flux function.
Integrated equation:
$$\frac{\partial U}{\partial t}+\frac{1}{\Omega_{i,j}}\oint_{\partial \Omega}{F\cdot \vec{n} }ds=0 \tag{2.2}$$
In which $\Omega$ is the area of a grid, for 2D problem, $\Omega=\Delta x $ or $\Delta y$, for 3D problem, $\Omega=\Delta x \Delta y $, and $\vec{n}$ is the normal vector of face.
During computation of FVM, the fluid is discretized into individual fluid elements (square ‘cells’) of size $\Delta x \Delta y \Delta x$ . The cells exchange conservative quantities via fluxes though cell interfaces.
For time discretization, the forward difference is proceed.
$$\frac{U_i^{n+1}-U_i^n}{\Delta t}+\frac{1}{\Omega_{i,j}}\oint_{\partial \Omega}{F\cdot \vec{n} }ds=0 \tag{2.3}$$
Assuming $Q_i=U_i \cdot (\Delta x)^2$ $$\to Q^{n+1}i=Q^{n}i-\Delta t \Delta x\sum{j} \hat{F}{ij}^{n+\frac{1}{2}} \tag{2.4}$$
In which $\hat{F}_{ij}^{n+\frac{1}{2}}$ refers to the numerical flux between neighboring cells i and j, $\Delta x$ can be regard as the area of interface of two grids
In general, the calculation of flux is the key process of FVM, and it is often calculated as a function of the fluid variables on the ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ side of the interface.
Calculation of flux
Extrapolation in Space
For FVM method, all variables are stored at the cell-centered, we need use those variables to calculate(extrapolate) the unknown variables at a distance $Δx/2$ from the cell center to a face.
Taking spatially extrapolating from a cell $(i,j)$ to the face $(i+1/2,j)$ on its right as an example, the calculation is accomplished as:
$$f_{i+\frac{1}{2},j} \simeq f_{i,j}+\frac{\partial f_{i,j}}{\partial x} \cdot \frac{\Delta x}{2} \tag{2.5}$$
In this code, function extrapolateInSpaceToFace
performed spatial extrapolation on an arbitrary field to each of the 4 faces of a cell.
It turns out that in general it is better to extrapolate primitive variables then convert back to conservative, rather than extrapolate conservative variables directly, in order to ensure the pressure does not accidentally get reconstructed to negative values due to truncation errors.
Calculating and Applying Fluxes by Rusanov flux
$$\hat{F}=\frac{1}{2}(F_L+F_R)-\frac{c_{max}}{2}(U_R-U_L) \tag{2.6}$$
The first term is a simple average of the fluxes as derived from the left or the right fluid variables. Then, there is an added term which creates numerical diffusivity. It keeps the solution numerically stable. $c_{max}=max({c_i+|v_i|})$ is the maximum signal speed. Advanced versions of flux solvers exist which solve strong shock structures more accurately with less numerical diffusivity, but for our purposes here the Rusanov flux will suffice.
In this code, it is done by function getFlux
Calculating conserved fluid quantities
Once the fluxes are computed, they can be applied to the conserved fluid quantities $Q$ in each cell.
In this code, it is done by function applyFluxes
Time Stepping
For numerical stability and accuracy, the simulation timestep cannot be arbitrarily large. It must obey the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition:
$$\Delta t=CFL \cdot min\frac{\Delta x}{c_i+|v_i|} \tag{3.1}$$
where $CFL \le 1 $, the speed $c_i+|v_i|$ is a proxy for the maximum signal speed in a cell.
Conceptually, what the CFL condition says is that in the duration of a timestep, the max signal speed may not travel more than the length of a cell.
Initial Condition
In this probelm, the domain is assumed to be 2-dimensional and periodic.
The code specifies the initial primitive variables (density, velocity, pressure fields), and the ideal gas $\gamma$ parameter.
To set up the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, the code initializes a high-density region moving to the right and the background moving to the left.
Pressure is uniform. A small perturbation in the velocity directed perpendicularly to this shear at the interface boundaries is added to induce the instability.
Pipeline of the algorithm
Get cell-centered primitive variables from conservative variables (for the first step, it’s from the initial condition)
Calculate the next timestep Δt based on Eq. 3.1
Calculate gradients of primitive variables
Extrapolate primitive variables in time by Δt/2 using gradients
Extrapolate primitive variables to faces using gradients
Feed in face Left and Right fluid states to compute the fluxes across each face
Update the solution by applying fluxes to the conservative variables
OK, that’s all for intro, let’s take a look at the code
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def getConserved( rho, vx, vy, P, gamma, vol ):
Calculate the conserved variable(Mass, Momentumx, Momentumy, Energy) from the primitive
rho is matrix of cell densities
vx is matrix of cell x-velocity
vy is matrix of cell y-velocity
P is matrix of cell pressures
gamma is ideal gas gamma
vol is cell volume
Mass is matrix of mass in cells
Momx is matrix of x-momentum in cells
Momy is matrix of y-momentum in cells
Energy is matrix of energy in cells
Mass = rho * vol
Momx = rho * vx * vol
Momy = rho * vy * vol
Energy = (P/(gamma-1) + 0.5*rho*(vx**2+vy**2))*vol
return Mass, Momx, Momy, Energy
def getPrimitive( Mass, Momx, Momy, Energy, gamma, vol ):
Calculate the primitive variable(rho, vx, vy, P) from the conservative
Mass is matrix of mass in cells
Momx is matrix of x-momentum in cells
Momy is matrix of y-momentum in cells
Energy is matrix of energy in cells
gamma is ideal gas gamma
vol is cell volume
rho is matrix of cell densities
vx is matrix of cell x-velocity
vy is matrix of cell y-velocity
P is matrix of cell pressures
rho = Mass / vol
vx = Momx / rho / vol
vy = Momy / rho / vol
P = (Energy/vol - 0.5*rho * (vx**2+vy**2)) * (gamma-1)
return rho, vx, vy, P
def getGradient(f, dx):
Calculate the gradients of a field
f is a matrix of the field
dx is the cell size
f_dx is a matrix of derivative of f in the x-direction
f_dy is a matrix of derivative of f in the y-direction
# directions for np.roll()
R = -1 # right
L = 1 # left
f_dx = ( np.roll(f,R,axis=0) - np.roll(f,L,axis=0) ) / (2*dx)
f_dy = ( np.roll(f,R,axis=1) - np.roll(f,L,axis=1) ) / (2*dx)
#Info about roll(): it rolls the elements of matrix
# with the roll, the f_dx is the center difference
return f_dx, f_dy
def slopeLimit(f, dx, f_dx, f_dy):
Apply slope limiter to slopes
f is a matrix of the field
dx is the cell size
f_dx is a matrix of derivative of f in the x-direction
f_dy is a matrix of derivative of f in the y-direction
# directions for np.roll()
R = -1 # right
L = 1 # left
f_dx = np.maximum(0., np.minimum(1., ( (f-np.roll(f,L,axis=0))/dx)/(f_dx + 1.0e-8*(f_dx==0)))) * f_dx
f_dx = np.maximum(0., np.minimum(1., (-(f-np.roll(f,R,axis=0))/dx)/(f_dx + 1.0e-8*(f_dx==0)))) * f_dx
f_dy = np.maximum(0., np.minimum(1., ( (f-np.roll(f,L,axis=1))/dx)/(f_dy + 1.0e-8*(f_dy==0)))) * f_dy
f_dy = np.maximum(0., np.minimum(1., (-(f-np.roll(f,R,axis=1))/dx)/(f_dy + 1.0e-8*(f_dy==0)))) * f_dy
return f_dx, f_dy
def extrapolateInSpaceToFace(f, f_dx, f_dy, dx):
Perform spatial extrapolation on an arbitrary field to each of the 4 faces of a cell
Purpose: To look up fluid variables at on the ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ sides of cell faces for the flux calculation
Eq. 2.5
f is a matrix of the field
f_dx is a matrix of the field x-derivatives
f_dy is a matrix of the field y-derivatives
dx is the cell size
f_XL is a matrix of spatial-extrapolated values on `left' face along x-axis
f_XR is a matrix of spatial-extrapolated values on `right' face along x-axis
f_YR is a matrix of spatial-extrapolated values on `left' face along y-axis
f_YR is a matrix of spatial-extrapolated values on `right' face along y-axis
# directions for np.roll()
R = -1 # right
L = 1 # left
f_XL = f - f_dx * dx/2
#[?]why there need roll?
f_XL = np.roll(f_XL,R,axis=0)
f_XR = f + f_dx * dx/2
f_YL = f - f_dy * dx/2
f_YL = np.roll(f_YL,R,axis=1)
f_YR = f + f_dy * dx/2
return f_XL, f_XR, f_YL, f_YR
def getFlux(rho_L, rho_R, vx_L, vx_R, vy_L, vy_R, P_L, P_R, gamma):
Calculate fluxed between 2 states with local Lax-Friedrichs/Rusanov rule
Eq. 2.6 and Eq. 2.2 (each element of factor in Eq. 2.2 is calculated here)
rho_L is a matrix of left-state density
rho_R is a matrix of right-state density
vx_L is a matrix of left-state x-velocity
vx_R is a matrix of right-state x-velocity
vy_L is a matrix of left-state y-velocity
vy_R is a matrix of right-state y-velocity
P_L is a matrix of left-state pressure
P_R is a matrix of right-state pressure
gamma is the ideal gas gamma
flux_Mass is the matrix of mass fluxes
flux_Momx is the matrix of x-momentum fluxes
flux_Momy is the matrix of y-momentum fluxes
flux_Energy is the matrix of energy fluxes
# left and right energies
en_L = P_L/(gamma-1)+0.5*rho_L * (vx_L**2+vy_L**2)
en_R = P_R/(gamma-1)+0.5*rho_R * (vx_R**2+vy_R**2)
# compute star (averaged) states
rho_star = 0.5*(rho_L + rho_R)
momx_star = 0.5*(rho_L * vx_L + rho_R * vx_R)
momy_star = 0.5*(rho_L * vy_L + rho_R * vy_R)
en_star = 0.5*(en_L + en_R)
P_star = (gamma-1)*(en_star-0.5*(momx_star**2+momy_star**2)/rho_star)
# compute fluxes (local Lax-Friedrichs/Rusanov)
flux_Mass = momx_star
flux_Momx = momx_star**2/rho_star + P_star
flux_Momy = momx_star * momy_star/rho_star
flux_Energy = (en_star+P_star) * momx_star/rho_star
# find wavespeeds
C_L = np.sqrt(gamma*P_L/rho_L) + np.abs(vx_L)
C_R = np.sqrt(gamma*P_R/rho_R) + np.abs(vx_R)
C = np.maximum( C_L, C_R )
# add stabilizing diffusive term
flux_Mass -= C * 0.5 * (rho_L - rho_R)
flux_Momx -= C * 0.5 * (rho_L * vx_L - rho_R * vx_R)
flux_Momy -= C * 0.5 * (rho_L * vy_L - rho_R * vy_R)
flux_Energy -= C * 0.5 * ( en_L - en_R )
return flux_Mass, flux_Momx, flux_Momy, flux_Energy
def applyFluxes(F, flux_F_X, flux_F_Y, dx, dt):
This function is uesd for the time stepping, Eq.2.4
F is a matrix of the conserved variable field
flux_F_X is a matrix of the x-dir fluxes
flux_F_Y is a matrix of the y-dir fluxes
dx is the cell size
dt is the timestep
# directions for np.roll()
R = -1 # right
L = 1 # left
# update solution
F += - dt * dx * flux_F_X
F += dt * dx * np.roll(flux_F_X,L,axis=0)
F += - dt * dx * flux_F_Y
F += dt * dx * np.roll(flux_F_Y,L,axis=1)
#Explanation of the above update operation
# cc=aa/copy()
# F += - dt * dx * flux_F_X
# F += dt * dx * np.roll(flux_F_X,L,axis=0)
# the same as :
# cc[0,:]=aa[0,:]-aa[-1,:]
# cc[1:,:]=aa[1:,:]-aa[0:-1,:]
# F += - dt * dx * flux_F_Y
# F += dt * dx * np.roll(flux_F_Y,L,axis=1)
# the same as :
# cc[:,0]=aa[:,0]-aa[:,-1]
# cc[:,1:]=aa[:,1:]-aa[:,0:-1]
return F
def main():
""" Finite Volume simulation """
# Simulation parameters
N = 128 # resolution
boxsize = 1.
gamma = 5/3 # ideal gas gamma
courant_fac = 0.4
t = 0
tEnd = 2
tOut = 0.02 # draw frequency
useSlopeLimiting = False
plotRealTime = True # switch on for plotting as the simulation goes along
# Mesh
dx = boxsize / N
vol = dx**2
xlin = np.linspace(0.5*dx, boxsize-0.5*dx, N)
Y, X = np.meshgrid( xlin, xlin )
# Generate Initial Conditions - opposite moving streams with perturbation
w0 = 0.1
sigma = 0.05/np.sqrt(2.)
rho = 1. + (np.abs(Y-0.5) < 0.25)
vx = -0.5 + (np.abs(Y-0.5)<0.25)
vy = w0*np.sin(4*np.pi*X) * ( np.exp(-(Y-0.25)**2/(2 * sigma**2)) + np.exp(-(Y-0.75)**2/(2*sigma**2)) )
P = 2.5 * np.ones(X.shape)
# Get conserved variables
Mass, Momx, Momy, Energy = getConserved( rho, vx, vy, P, gamma, vol )
# prep figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4,4), dpi=80)
outputCount = 1
# Simulation Main Loop
while t < tEnd:
# get Primitive variables
rho, vx, vy, P = getPrimitive( Mass, Momx, Momy, Energy, gamma, vol )
# get time step (CFL) = dx / max signal speed
dt = courant_fac * np.min( dx / (np.sqrt( gamma*P/rho ) + np.sqrt(vx**2+vy**2)) )
plotThisTurn = False
if t + dt > outputCount*tOut:
dt = outputCount*tOut - t
plotThisTurn = True
# calculate gradients
rho_dx, rho_dy = getGradient(rho, dx)
vx_dx, vx_dy = getGradient(vx, dx)
vy_dx, vy_dy = getGradient(vy, dx)
P_dx, P_dy = getGradient(P, dx)
# slope limit gradients
if useSlopeLimiting:
rho_dx, rho_dy = slopeLimit(rho, dx, rho_dx, rho_dy)
vx_dx, vx_dy = slopeLimit(vx , dx, vx_dx, vx_dy )
vy_dx, vy_dy = slopeLimit(vy , dx, vy_dx, vy_dy )
P_dx, P_dy = slopeLimit(P , dx, P_dx, P_dy )
# extrapolate half-step in time
rho_prime = rho - 0.5*dt * ( vx * rho_dx + rho * vx_dx + vy * rho_dy + rho * vy_dy)
vx_prime = vx - 0.5*dt * ( vx * vx_dx + vy * vx_dy + (1/rho) * P_dx )
vy_prime = vy - 0.5*dt * ( vx * vy_dx + vy * vy_dy + (1/rho) * P_dy )
P_prime = P - 0.5*dt * ( gamma*P * (vx_dx + vy_dy) + vx * P_dx + vy * P_dy )
# extrapolate in space to face centers
rho_XL, rho_XR, rho_YL, rho_YR = extrapolateInSpaceToFace(rho_prime, rho_dx, rho_dy, dx)
vx_XL, vx_XR, vx_YL, vx_YR = extrapolateInSpaceToFace(vx_prime, vx_dx, vx_dy, dx)
vy_XL, vy_XR, vy_YL, vy_YR = extrapolateInSpaceToFace(vy_prime, vy_dx, vy_dy, dx)
P_XL, P_XR, P_YL, P_YR = extrapolateInSpaceToFace(P_prime, P_dx, P_dy, dx)
# compute fluxes (local Lax-Friedrichs/Rusanov)
flux_Mass_X, flux_Momx_X, flux_Momy_X, flux_Energy_X = getFlux(rho_XL, rho_XR, vx_XL, vx_XR, vy_XL, vy_XR, P_XL, P_XR, gamma)
flux_Mass_Y, flux_Momy_Y, flux_Momx_Y, flux_Energy_Y = getFlux(rho_YL, rho_YR, vy_YL, vy_YR, vx_YL, vx_YR, P_YL, P_YR, gamma)
# update solution
Mass = applyFluxes(Mass, flux_Mass_X, flux_Mass_Y, dx, dt)
Momx = applyFluxes(Momx, flux_Momx_X, flux_Momx_Y, dx, dt)
Momy = applyFluxes(Momy, flux_Momy_X, flux_Momy_Y, dx, dt)
Energy = applyFluxes(Energy, flux_Energy_X, flux_Energy_Y, dx, dt)
# update time
t += dt
# plot in real time - color 1/2 particles blue, other half red
if (plotRealTime and plotThisTurn) or (t >= tEnd):
plt.clim(0.8, 2.2)
ax = plt.gca()
outputCount += 1
# Save figure
return 0
if __name__== "__main__":
And here shows the result.